GB/Scouts Family Services @ BL
Family services for Girls Brigade and Scouts
We are so delighted that for so many years Girls Brigade has met at Boulton Lane, and that so many local families feel at home on Tuesday night. More recently it has been great to welcome the Cubs and Beavers on a Wednesday night and see more local families feeling at home.
About twice per term there is an opportunity for parents and anyone else connected to Girls Brigade, Cubs or Beavers to come for a special family service led by Graham, our minister, with lots of help from creative people. It’s very informal, meeting round tables, and includes crafts, music, videos and some time to reflect on the theme. Recently we have included videos made with the young people and their leaders. Why not come and try this out at our next service?
Link to Good Samaritan video made for Easter family service by Girls Brigade and Scouts:
Made at our Valentines day family service on the theme of ‘love’
Boulton Lane
Corner of Charnwood Street and
Osmaston Road