Boulton Lane Baptist Church is a small family church in Alvaston. We are a group of people that believe in God and work hard to follow and be guided by the example of Jesus. Our church is not a building, but a family working together to do their best to show the love of God. Church is not just about turning up on a Sunday morning, but about listening, loving, helping and supporting other in so many different ways every day of the week so we serve our community in a variety of ways.

We are informal, relaxed and flexible, built on showing and sharing the love of God. We are currently in the process of becoming a congregation of Derby Urban Church (DUC).

We are a member of ACT (All Christians Together) supporting community needs through the established Food Bank programme and Women’s Refuge charities.

This is our Mission Statement:

  • May our ministry always speak your Name.
  • May we continue to remember and support the hungry, the homeless, the marginalised and those in poverty.
  • May we not be afraid of the future.
  • May we be ready to ‘action’ the plans you have for us, blessing new ventures as we step out in faith.
  • May we have joy in our hearts.
  • May we be creative and inspiring to those around us and not limit the ways your love can work through us
  • May we be present to your presence each day, aiming to do our best to make it on earth as it in Heaven. Amen

This is our programme for Winter/Spring 2025 – please pop in or contact us  – we’d love to meet you.


Sunday Worship 10.45am

Weekly Activities:

  • Mondays: Ktog (Knit Together) We meet 1.30-3pm and have a good group of ladies who come along to knit, crochet and chat! We take on projects too!
  • Tuesdays: We have our Girls Brigade who meet 6pm
  • Wednesday: Coffee Morning – 10.30-12noon – a great time meeting up with friends. Offering quizzes, craft, puzzles/games too!
    Beavers/Scouts – 6pm-8.15pm
  • Friday: Friday Fellowship 2-3.30pm – this runs fortnightly, led by our Minister Graham Watkins
  • Saturday: Film Night – we show a film every 2 or 3 months – look out for adverts

Alpha Courses, Friday Fortnight Fellowship, Film Nights and other events  – see the programme above.

More details are on our Facebook page.

Boulton Lane


Boulton Lane
DE24 0AY



(01332) 434177



Corner of Charnwood Street and
Osmaston Road